Traditional language school has four to six hours a day. How much of what can you learn on that day? Are you going to be able to practice by the next day? Learning English, especially speaking, is not the number of class hours, how much you use in practice. In the OSL class, you use English expressions learned not only for the coach but also for natives of the city. Also, you will continue to listen to English at a more realistic speed. There are also tasks (homework), so you will always use English and listen outside of class.

There are two types of tasks (homework) such as practicing the expression learned on that day with OSL's own listening app, and actually put it into town and practice the expression learned in class that day out and practice. For example, look for a meeting place (class start place) the next day. In the OSL program, various places in downtown Toronto (mostly down) are considered as meeting places, and classes start from there. Sometimes you will not be given detailed information about the meeting place, you just have to get a hint from the coach, ask people who go around the city based on it, and have to find the meeting place (the place where the class starts). Searching on Google Maps is basically prohibited. In particular, the more time you spend on field work, the longer it will take you to speak and listen to English, and you will learn efficiently what you have learned in class.

Classes will be held in cafes, restaurants, sightseeing spots, shopping malls, train stations, streets, etc. in places where they always visit once in everyday life. Therefore, we will order food and drinks, but we will bear all expenses incurred in the class.

The level of the students varies, but because there is a super small number system with 3 people at the maximum, the coach sees each reaction and explains until it understands. We will teach difficult expressions to relatively high-level students, and teach beginners how to jump into the conversation itself, not complicated expressions, and acquire a base where you can ask questions that you do not understand.

Classes take place around the city of Toronto, but not always completely outside. Cafes, restaurants, shopping malls, university campuses and public facilities are also classrooms. Also, downtown Toronto is connected by a large underground road, allowing you to move around without having to go outside. Also it is regulated by law to keep the room temperature constant. Please be assured that classes will be conducted utilizing such places.

In OSL, we will conduct speaking training thoroughly using our own speaking method (OSL method) in a realistic scene that always visits once in daily life. Once you have learned the OSL method, you can continue to practice speaking with native opponents in the city after the program is finished. In addition, OSL methods can be applied to any language acquisition. Some students came to OSL because they did not get results after graduating from language school, and some came to quit language school. There is also the possibility of reducing the duplicate costs that occur in such cases. If it is a traditional way of learning, and a learning method that only ends in school days, how much would it cost to cost it and how much would it be worth? OSL does not waste that cost. It should be an effective self-investment.